Who is in?
A subjective notation of three conversations about space
A subjective notation of three conversations about space
Presented at
︎ Beursschouwburg
Commissioned by
︎ SB 34
︎ Level Five
Together with
︎ Amber Vanluffelen
︎ Beursschouwburg
Commissioned by
︎ SB 34
︎ Level Five
Together with
︎ Amber Vanluffelen
we had money and space /// yet it was not enough /// we realized, we need to help each other /// cook, clean, walking kids /// and find time inbetween to discuss our practice /// there is a fantasy /// the process is the most imporant /// supporting the individual needs for everyone /// we can do it /// what comes after this collectively created piece of art? /// sharing the struggles /// kinship /// this is social architecture
Who is in?, RE: visiting the studio, Level Five, SB 34, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, 2023
WHO IS IN? a subjective note taking sessionof three conversations about (studio) space and artistic practice
(RE):VISITING THE STUDIO an afternoon conversation about the value of the artist studioBeursschouwburg,
22 06 2023
13 - 17 h
(RE):VISITING THE STUDIO an afternoon conversation about the value of the artist studioBeursschouwburg,
22 06 2023
13 - 17 h

Who is in?
How can notations of a conversation contribute to this conversation and at the same time result in a subjective report?
During RE: Visiting the Studio, an event around artistic studio spaces, fragments from the converation were written down and live projected in the same space. In this way the projected text functioned as both a way of subtiteling the conversation, and a real-time emerging written report. The tension and shifts in meaning between oral and written text became tangible, and in a playful way the written text funtioned as a live feedback loop, running behind the real conversation, but by moments influencing it.
RE : Visiting the Studio
An afternoon conversation on the value of artist studios
Although artist practices have outgrown the artist studio as the sole site for the artistic process to develop, the importance for space and stable ground for these unruly activities remains.
Counter to the tendency of policymakers to consider space for artistic practices as part of workspaces for creative industries, where value is expressed in the contribution to employment, productivity and city development, we propose to start our conversation from the perspective ofthe artistic practice itself; asking what value the studio has as a space.
For this we broaden the notion of value beyond monetary terms towards spatial, material, symbolic, emotional, andsocial value for example. Does this broader notion bring forward the role the studio has withinan artistic practice? Recognizing that each space and practice is dependent on others we continue our conversation by thinking about the studio as a community of artists, like an archipelago.
How are the distinct individual islands related to each other and what does this add to the common goals? Does being in relation and organizing collectively enable more autonomy of artistic practices, for example the ability to take a chance and fail, because there is a web of care to fall back upon, can we findstable ground as a community?
To round up our conversation we touch upon the value of studios to the broader art field. Why is it that the studio, the place where artistic practices develop and prepare to meet a public, is such a blindspot in the artistic field? Presentation spaces have the overhand in the field, only some spaces, like residencies, support artistic development —although only on short term or project basis. The foundation needed for sustainable artistic practices and an engaging artistic community seems to be overlooked by the field.
At the end of the conversation, we hope to have heard a broad array of voices and perspectives from artists on the value of the studio for artistic practices which can add to the discussion about the place of the artist in the city, a dimension that is not available from the glass cladded officesof policy makers and the drawing table of city developers.
An interpretation of the conversation will be published in a zine and could serve each artistic community to communicate the broadervalue of their practices.
Session I - The Value of The Studio [as a Space] for Artistic Practices
Moderator: Pádraic E. Moore
Invited speakers: Christiane Blattmann, Wouter Davidts, Raphaël Matieu
Session II - The Value of Studios as a Community of Artists
Moderator: Bas Blaasse
Invited speakers: Gilbard, Level Five (Rob Ritzen), Liselotte Van Daele, Post-Collective
Session III - The Value of Studios to The Broader Art Field
Moderator: Jesse van Winden
Invited speakers: Katrien Reist, Eva Gorsse, SB34 (Pauline Hatzigeorgiou,Rokko Miyoshi, Inga Gerner Nilsen
How can notations of a conversation contribute to this conversation and at the same time result in a subjective report?
During RE: Visiting the Studio, an event around artistic studio spaces, fragments from the converation were written down and live projected in the same space. In this way the projected text functioned as both a way of subtiteling the conversation, and a real-time emerging written report. The tension and shifts in meaning between oral and written text became tangible, and in a playful way the written text funtioned as a live feedback loop, running behind the real conversation, but by moments influencing it.
RE : Visiting the Studio
An afternoon conversation on the value of artist studios
Although artist practices have outgrown the artist studio as the sole site for the artistic process to develop, the importance for space and stable ground for these unruly activities remains.
Counter to the tendency of policymakers to consider space for artistic practices as part of workspaces for creative industries, where value is expressed in the contribution to employment, productivity and city development, we propose to start our conversation from the perspective ofthe artistic practice itself; asking what value the studio has as a space.
For this we broaden the notion of value beyond monetary terms towards spatial, material, symbolic, emotional, andsocial value for example. Does this broader notion bring forward the role the studio has withinan artistic practice? Recognizing that each space and practice is dependent on others we continue our conversation by thinking about the studio as a community of artists, like an archipelago.
How are the distinct individual islands related to each other and what does this add to the common goals? Does being in relation and organizing collectively enable more autonomy of artistic practices, for example the ability to take a chance and fail, because there is a web of care to fall back upon, can we findstable ground as a community?
To round up our conversation we touch upon the value of studios to the broader art field. Why is it that the studio, the place where artistic practices develop and prepare to meet a public, is such a blindspot in the artistic field? Presentation spaces have the overhand in the field, only some spaces, like residencies, support artistic development —although only on short term or project basis. The foundation needed for sustainable artistic practices and an engaging artistic community seems to be overlooked by the field.
At the end of the conversation, we hope to have heard a broad array of voices and perspectives from artists on the value of the studio for artistic practices which can add to the discussion about the place of the artist in the city, a dimension that is not available from the glass cladded officesof policy makers and the drawing table of city developers.
An interpretation of the conversation will be published in a zine and could serve each artistic community to communicate the broadervalue of their practices.
Session I - The Value of The Studio [as a Space] for Artistic Practices
Moderator: Pádraic E. Moore
Invited speakers: Christiane Blattmann, Wouter Davidts, Raphaël Matieu
Session II - The Value of Studios as a Community of Artists
Moderator: Bas Blaasse
Invited speakers: Gilbard, Level Five (Rob Ritzen), Liselotte Van Daele, Post-Collective
Session III - The Value of Studios to The Broader Art Field
Moderator: Jesse van Winden
Invited speakers: Katrien Reist, Eva Gorsse, SB34 (Pauline Hatzigeorgiou,Rokko Miyoshi, Inga Gerner Nilsen

Who is in?, RE: visiting the studio, Level Five, SB 34, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, 2023