Soup Opera 
an orchestrated improvisational exercise

“we gaan op zoek
naar een voorstel
dat ons collectief verlangen voor deze ruimte representeert

we doen een rondje
je begint je zin met:
“we hebben ruimte nodig om ...” en je vult aan met jouw verlangen

ik zal beginnen
we hebben ruimte nodig om [vul hier je verlangen in]”

Excerpt Script, Soup Opera, 2023

Pictures from different performances, at RICTS, Campus Atelier, De Koer, 2022 - 2023

Soup Opera
Performance executed by the audeince,
“30 min, 2023

Outcomes of the collective decision, 2022 - 2023

‘Soep Opera’ is not a theatre production, but an orchestrated improvisational exercise. Based on conversations with artistic hub de Koer and the theatre alliance K.A.K. (Koekelbergse Alliantie van Knutselaars), artists Renée Goethijn and Katinka de Jonge developed a script. HOwever, how it all plays out is determined by collective and individual choices. The audience takes the place of an imaginary collective and makes an important decision. There are several ways to make the decision and the outcome is always different.

‘Soep Opera’ is for anyone who wants to experience what it’s like to be part of a collective, or for collectives who want to experience what it’s like in another collective then their own.