Bericht van het Zeewezen aan de Landkrab
a monument for the sea
Site specific audio track
a monument for the sea
Site specific audio track
“Nu je dit weet voel je je iets minder alleen
Je probeert de kleine dieren te zien
Maar hoe hard je ook je best doet
Je ziet alleen nog het blauwgroen van het water”
Excerpt Bericht van het zeewezen, Oostend, 2020

Bericht van het Zeewezen aan de Landkrab
monument for the sea
Site specific audio track, 38min
QR code at sign at the beach of Oostend
monument for the sea
Site specific audio track, 38min
QR code at sign at the beach of Oostend
The Melancholic Center for Marine Affairs (Sea Creatures) invites you to donate your melancholy to the Sea.
Find a nice spot with a view on the sea and listen to our sad but also healing stories.
Listen to the track
Find a nice spot with a view on the sea and listen to our sad but also healing stories.
Listen to the track